Natural Health and Wellness Solutions
Featured Health Categories

Vitamins, Minerals and Essential Nutrients
For me, it's impossible to get all the necessary nutrients from food alone, so I rely on vitamin and mineral supplements.

Herbs, Spices and Essential Oils
From enhancing meals to providing skincare and acting as medicine, I use herbs, spices, and essential oils daily.

Diet and Healthy Lifestyle Choices
My journey with diets, exercise, and meditation has been extensive. Follow along for my insights upon how it worked out.

Jim Jenkins
My name is Jim and I am the content creator of this blog.
This blog documents my personal journey and the real-life results I’ve experienced while exploring various health improvement strategies, from diet and exercise to herbs, spices, vitamins, minerals, essential oils, and both conventional and alternative medicine.
There’s no single path to health. Numerous factors influence your ability to live a healthy life. I discovered early on that adapting to your particular environment is crucial.
Location significantly impacts health. For example, my living experiences in Lake Tahoe, the Yukon and Hawaii demonstrate the need for vastly different lifestyle approaches.
What you do for a living has a major impact on how you live. I’ve experienced this firsthand in several professions, from piloting airplanes to fighting forest fires, working in the oil fields and casino dealer—each demanding unique lifestyle adaptations.